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Netwaves with a Peppermill


Netwaves episode 2.33 is served with a generous twist of the Peppermill.

Sniff and the ears!


01. RBH Household peppermill - RHumphries
02. First Day, Some Lake - KKFS
03. Glob Story - KiloWatts
04. Ma Stereo - Domotic
05. Our Lines - Orangebox
06. A Poem In Slow Motion - Alice Rose
07. Living Water - Set in Sand
08. Mongo Bongo - Santosh
09. Antes de nada - Cualquiera
10. Space Machine - Bombay Laughing Club
11. J-Root Leaner - The Gruff
12. Hi and Ho, We Plant Trees! - Mika Vanhanen & Pataluoto Children's Choir
13. Did The Red Sea Part? - Gost Bees
14. Cosmonauts Dont Like Returning To Earth - Eddie the Rat
15. Solar Crosses Stolen From Cemetary - The Van Allan Belt
16. Injuries Being Called Suspicious - Ceschi
17. Squishing Sniffy - Artists Busted! - The Bran Flakes
18. Track Five - Dr. John