Luc Janssen, muziekgoeroe in België én Nederland, laat in de meest recente Humo optekenen:
"De grootste revolutie in de muziek na de punk is het internet, daar ben ik absoluut van overtuigd. Al wat er aan muziek interessant is, kan je daar vinden."
Een uitspraak die Janssen nog wel een tijdje zal achtervolgen, want Netwaves hoopt in een volgende aflevering hierop met hem te kunnen doorbomen.
Netwaves's blog
Submitted by Netwaves on Thu, 2007-08-09 21:41. nederlands | netwavesNetwaves 30: live @ het Depot
Submitted by Netwaves on Wed, 2007-05-30 19:12. english | netwavesThe new Netwaves is online now, with an extensive report about Netwaves live @ het Depot in Leuven. Music and talks by Distreality, Bandarlog, Dan Droff and Elfenkommando. Listen to Netwaves 30 here. If you like the music and would like to download it for free, look at our playlists ...
Note: When we announce Dan Droff's set, there starts a piece from the set from Distreality, we are fixing this problem and it will be updated soon!
"Recycling culture, that's what it's all about"
Submitted by Netwaves on Tue, 2007-05-15 11:22. english | netwaves "Music essentially should be free. Every concept is based on another, already existing concept. Recycling culture, that's what it's about". Netwaves 28 chats with Matt Black from Coldcut about copyleft, copyright and even a little Akwalek. And QuiOui explains about his experience with opening an international top-band (+live-music)...
what's new?
Submitted by Netwaves on Wed, 2007-05-09 10:34. english | netwaves The New Netwaves (27), gives a nice view on some new releases. From now on Netwaves will focus more on new stuff instead of thematic episodes (although those won't disappear off course) Please welcome the Netwaves magazine...
who is Emil Klotzsch?
Submitted by Netwaves on Tue, 2007-04-24 15:04. english | netwaves
Emil Klotzsch is one of the most creative soft-electronic artists in the netlabelworld. In the new netwaves (episode 26) Klotzsch chooses the (excellent) music, explains his views about Creative Commons and gives some funny noises from time to time. Who is Emil Von Stosch and who is Emil Klotzsch? Answers in Netwaves 26...
Submitted by Netwaves on Mon, 2007-04-09 23:13. english | netwavesThis week no Netwaves. You can expect next week an interview with Transit, who did a gig at der Machine (Leuven) last week.
"I make music that I listen to myself"
Submitted by Netwaves on Wed, 2007-04-04 10:50. english | netwavesAnd that music is now out on Laridae Records. We're talking about the debut of iambic²: Under these stars, we'll sleep again. In the new Netwaves , we talk with iambic² about his debut and his fascination for Laridae-artwork.
We also chat with Marco Raaphorst about his prize-winning blog ...
Over doedelzakbouwers en Beierse huwelijken...
Submitted by Netwaves on Thu, 2007-03-29 09:21. english | netwaves Wat hebben doedelzakbouwers, Beierse huwelijksmuziek en een jazzdwarsfluit met Netwaves te maken? Je komt het allemaal te weten in Netwaves 23. De uitzending brengt een muzikaal verslag van Netwaves live v.0.3 met muziek en interviews van Strekie, Icteder, Kyran en Akwalek en staat na enkele technische problemen eindelijk online!
Netlabel DJ-set @ Machine
Submitted by Netwaves on Wed, 2007-03-21 16:35. english | netwavesNetwaves DJs Green Things and @@urk were turning the tables @ Machine on monday. Netwaves brings a nice piece dub, house, minimal, tech, etc. in Episode 22 [nws022].
"The connection between musician and listener is less polluted"
Submitted by Netwaves on Tue, 2007-03-13 11:30. english | netwaves"With netlabels the connection between artist and listener is less polluted. If somebody tells you he likes your song, well, that's a thrilling thing, that's what it's all about", explained DoF to Netwaves in our newest episode. We talk about his influences, music, his release a year in waiting and much more.
DoF makes sad electronics and more recently also changed to folktronics (think about bands like Tunng). Besides the interview Netwaves 21 explores these two styles and brings a nice dreaming and easy listening-soundtrack...
Netwaves 19: Netwaves live v.0.2 [nws019]
Submitted by Netwaves on Tue, 2007-02-27 18:37. english | netwavesThis episode is about our second live concert @ het Depot, the music forum of Leuven, Belgium. It features music and interviews of Filmjölk, Amorph and Quioui, all electrobel artists.
Our live broadcast is hosted by Radio Scorpio, the first independent radio in Belgium.
The program is an initiative of netlabelism, Jan, Elke, Akwalek, Toon & embe.
Netwaves 18: new delikatessen [nws018]
Submitted by Netwaves on Wed, 2007-02-21 21:00. english | netwavesNetwaves explores the newest tunes in the netlabel scene and plays some artists of the upcoming event 'Netwaves live v.0.2' @ het Depot, friday 23 feb. 2007 (Leuven, Belgium).
c hear s!
Netwaves 17: Netwaves vs. New wave
Submitted by Netwaves on Tue, 2007-02-13 12:42. english | netwavesThe new Netwaves knows New wave, you know? This episode explores the 8T's revival of 'New wave' which is also infecting the netlabelscene. It features an interview with Berlin's Zirkulardynamik.
Netwaves 16: The dutch connection, Marco Raaphorst
Submitted by Netwaves on Tue, 2007-02-06 13:35. english | netwavesThe new Netwaves is online. It contains a big interview with Marco Raaphorst about CC in the Netherlands, Collecting rights society, Marco's music and so on and so on.
Netwaves live v.0.2 [nwsl002]
Submitted by Netwaves on Mon, 2007-02-05 18:42. nederlands | netwaves live
Smart electronics for a new sharing world.
De line-up voor de tweede editie:
- @@urk (netlabel dj)
- filmjölk (live)
- amorph (live)
- quioui (live)
@ het Depot (foyer)
vrijdag 23 februari
deuren 20u
inkom gratis
zie ook het Depot program.
Het Depot ligt hier.
Amorph heeft een fysische CD uit en filmjölk gaat er eentje uitbrengen (Netwaves heeft de primeur op het concert), allebei op Heldernacht Records. Amorph vind je ook op de brandnieuwe "Statement of Purpose" van het netlabel Xynthetic. Filmjölk vind je terug op het eveneens gloednieuwe "Porträt" van het even gloednieuw belgisch netlabel tripostal.
Artiesten die willen optreden op een van de volgende concerten vullen het contact-formulier in.
Met dank aan het Depot en de (electrobel-)artiesten.
Bekijk de kalender (Google).