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RIP Zirkulardynamik


Tonight, after dwelling for four years in the land of electrock, Berlin's Zirkulardynamik has its last performance. We interviewed the crazy (in German: "völlig verrückte") members of the band in our Netwaves New-wave episode a couple of months ago. May odd god bless them. Below, you can read their goodbye-words, auf deutsch.


Einige von Euch werden es
zwischenzeitlich sicher schon aus dem
Buschfunk wissen: Das Zirkulat legt
die Geräte nieder und verabschiedet
sich nach über 4 Jahren feistestem
Elektrock ins Nirvana der Rockstars.

Vielen Dank für all die Anbetungstänze,
Ohnmachtsanfälle, Tränen, wilden
Schreie und verträumten Blicke, die
uns auf unzähligen Konzerten zuteil
wurden. Ohne Euch wärs nur halb so
schön gewesen! Und deshalb lassen wir
zum Schluss nochmal vorm MFE und auf
der Stubnitz so richtig die Boxen
springen. Bis Donnerstag ...

Danke Zirkulart!

Netwaves 33: feat. Crepusculum and Sven Swift


"Netlabels are fantastic, all that amazing music you can download for free, it's exciting", dixit Crepusculum. Do we need to say more to introduce the new Netwaves [nws033]? It contains an interview with Crepusculum and Sven Swift (netlabelboss 12rec) about a brand new remixalbum on 12rec and of course a lot of new candy ...

Schuur verbrand te W.

In de Vacature van deze week (p. 11-17) staan enkele interessante artikels over de Vlaamse muziekbusiness. Een eerste artikel gaat over de groei (bedrijven en banen) in de muzieksektor. Veel getallen en economisch gefilosofeer. Het artikel is een weerslag van het onderzoeksrapport "De creatieve industrie in Vlaanderen" (download pdf), een studie door Tine Maenhout, Isabelle De Voldere, Jonas Onkelinx (Vlerick) en Prof. Leo Sleuwaegen. In een ander artikel "De Machiavelli van de Belgische rock" zetten de auteurs 'de Schuur' in z'n hemd, door zijn bindingen met Clear Channel bloot te leggen. Clear Channel is de multinational die een quasi monopolie op de radiostations in de VS en de rockfestivals in de hele wereld hebben. Wat het nog erger maakt is de band van deze firma met de Amerikaanse Republikeinen en de familie Bush. Zo zie je maar weer: als je dit jaar (zelfs de voorbije 7 jaar) naar Werchter of Pukkelpop gaat, bedenk dat de opbrengst niet alleen naar de plaatselijke Chiro gaat, maar dat het grootste deel - via het kruim van de pseudo-alternatieve rock/punk/popgoden - de kas spijst van enkele superreactionaire mindere godheden ... Nee, doe volgende keer maar een klein festivalletje of concertje, zoals onze 'Netwaves live', waar de CC niet voor Clear Channel staat, maar voor Creative Commons. Je kan hier ook enkele reacties op het bewuste artikel nalezen.


Thierry Massard has started a new project 'noComment'. A bit mysterious, if you ask me ...

Netwaves 32 feat. Distreality


He likes some heavy shit. He made the sound for a new Flemish horrormovie, called "The Flemish Vampire". He did a solid dj-set at the last edition of Netwaves live. He brings his music out on electrobel. And last but not least, the guy will blog about everything electrobel at the netlabelism site: just come back one of these days or click on his name at the left navigation block.
Listen to Distreality talking about his music, the movie, dj-sets and of course electrobel and Creative Commons in the new Netwaves. Netwaves also explores for the first time some famous netlabelmusic mixes: a teaser for the upcoming summer broadcast schedule. Enjoy!

Netwaves 31: interview with Christian Björklund


"If you want your music to be listened to as much as possible, Creative Commons is a nice way to do it". Just one quote from Christian Björklund in the new Netwaves. We also chat about his music for videogames and of course about his new EP: Skapmat.

Netwaves live v.0.5 [nwsl005]: verslag


Bandarlog: langzame industriële ritmes, doorweven met slome duistere klanktapijten.
Distreality: goeie old-skool 'made in Belgium' EBM overgoten met vettige electrosaus.
Dan Droff: mix van moody, warme danstunes geserveerd op een bedje van lichte beats en scratches.
Elfenkommando: prettig gestoorde fuck'n'roll, the Ramones anno 2007 in een elektronisch jasje.

Voor meer foto's, klik op de foto hiernaast. En hier vind je ook nog foto's, gemaakt door de vriendin van Distreality.

WebJay is closing down!


ccNeLaS discovered this message on Webjay: "Announcement: Webjay will be closing at the end of June! Click here to learn how you can back up your playlists and keep your player running smoothly."

"i just make this music that is closest to my heart" (but in Dutch) - Netwaves in bed with Izmar


Netwaves 29 looks for the man behind Izmar, the mystery man from the Monotonik netlabel. After this episode the word 'psychedelica' never will sound the same again ... Lots of beautiful piano stuff, but also the hippest and coolest tunes right from netlabel land.



The one and only netlabel forum 'Netlabel-Board', who got troubles with their host or something, and was offline for a few months, is back online again. Do your netlabel communication about releases, parties, announcements, ... at this forum. You can also eg. have a look at a list of the Benelux (Belgium - Netherlands - Luxembourg) netlabels.

new kid on the blog


I also added the brandnew "Wundertunes" to the blog department of this site. Quote: "Wundertunes is a magazine for contemporary music and art, which is published as free content with creative commons licenses or other copy-left licenses. We will review creative commons music releases, netlabels and underground labels as well as doing artist interviews ..." They also have already made a compilation of netlabel music: the Wundertunes Spring Compilation.
Welcome to the growing netlabel community guys!

the blogroll


I just re-added the page with all the external blogs (look at the blogroll at the right block), so everybody can check which blogs this blogroll is subscribed to. Any suggestions are welcome, with the restriction that they are related to netlabels or Creative Commons.
Ah, and our blog has more tags from now on: you can filter the posts on these subjects (look in the navigation block at the left):

creative commons
cc belgium
netlabel blogs
netwaves live

We also want to welcome a new contributor to this blog: 'Creon', he is the man behind 'Het rijk van Eros' on Radio Scorpio. This program is an ambient mix of erotic texts and loungy slowfood copyleft music. You're gonna read here his musical recommendations for long and sleepless nights ...

Download a DVD ...


... about Free Culture: Free me! "The DVD is an attempt to help raise awareness of Free Culture." Here's a list of what you can find on it.
Found it on Boing Boing.

Remix a movie


Found this one on Boing Boing (nice trailer-logo):

The trailer for Basement Tapes and Open Source Cinema

Source: Open Source Cinema

Palmtrees at The Hague


Video by Maurits Burgers, Music by Marco Raaphorst - from Budapest to The Hague

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