Rodeohood says: "Yesterday, around 20:00, in the neighborhoud of the Radio Scorpio Studio, some aggressive radiohats attacked the studio people, injuring two radioheads on their radiohead. The radiohats demanded to free the mp3 before oct. 10. Our informant confirmed that aggression and radiohate was in the air. As a result of this sample of radioheath, there were no Netwaves, but yes Notwaves."
Hear you next week!
embe's blog
radioheads attacked!
english | netwavesone for the road (the 37th)
english | netwavesLast waves of the first tide. Second season starts next week with lots of interviews and news from the netlabel world.
Playlist [nws037]:
01. Marguerite - The Incognito Traveller
02. Mano - Leon Somov
03. Obsession - Robenz
04. Rebis - Andreas Herz
05. crrrk - startslow
06. So beautiful - Ampexx
07. Perm: YKMD - Blondin
08. Apologize To ... - Mr. Moods
09. sehorsehou - isaac varzim (due to a corrupt mp3-file, this song is not played completely)
10. Country Lane - Weigl & Hoffmann
11. Sedna - Twile feat. Milja
as an extra, a little horrormovie: "shit, my bunny ran away with my chainsaw!", or, Sickmoth's Milkpunked
porn music for the masses
english | netlabel blogsi choose this title, not because it's the subtitle of one of the most downloaded netlabel issues "Wakka Chikka Wakka Chikka 1 [csr049]" (146153 downloads untill today),
not because this title refers to these provoking titles/names on it:
Baise et Rebaise Moi - Lubna Lux
Brainwank (Psycho Foo Edit) - Colektro
Gloria - Pearls of Joy
Half An Hour Is For Free - The Devil In Miss Jones (featuring Fats Bob Trumpet)
Hatesex - Mr. Juno
Ici la Femme (XXX Mix) Louise Vertigo - The Lounge King
It Was A Dream - Ton Rückert
The Love God - Martinibomb
The Porn King - The Funky Filter
Silk And Sweat - Thybbuk
Take Me Now! - Nick Chapman
Vuluke Khall (Instrumental Version) - DJ Bootsie
Whose Fantasy Is This, Anyways? - Mr Melvis (featuring R. Stevie Moore and Ms. Demeanor)
not because there's a call for submission for a second edition of this album with the same subtitle, hosted by WM Recordings,
not because the brain behind this initiative is the late, naughty netlabel Comfort Stand Recordings with other outstanding compilations,
but just to attract a few more visitors ...
download legally an illegal album
english | sabamThe people at Krill Konzern Recordings have constructed a new license: License pro Piracy / Licence Pro Piratage.
Krill: "Although we authorize and encourage you to do so, taking this CD, copying it or exchanging it freely will make you a pirate. Because piracy is also a matter of rights and freedom, we choose the pro-piracy licence."
In my opinion this is not really true, I think this act does not make the listener a pirate, but the artists make themselve a pirate ...
While you download the excellent Various Artists album "From The Eastwood" [KK013] and listen to the very New Wave-ish track "Draft" by Bayern Boom Beat (under), you can read the whole statement here.
Bayern Boom Beat: Draft (taken from: From The Eastwood [KK013])
Netwaves restarting
english Netwaves 35: The summer of 2007 [nws035].
Netwaves is ending the first season with some beautiful moments of past summer in episode 35. Just warming up for the next season (october).
01. Flutune - Flu
02. Soulthieves - Tristan Linton
03. warp factory - d-fender + rifhes
04. I Can't Imagine - Emily In Love
05. class-a-burns - startslow
06. Black and White Girl Part I - Mithra
07. Kyoto - Nest
08. Fake sun works bass-less - Spirit Elevating Brains
09. rockin da house (ko mix) - D. R. Mirago
10. Lady Nite - Billy Shears
11. Counting backwards - Lucrecia
12. Chaleur - The Incognito Traveller
13. Beyond The Moon - FeldFunker
music | nederlandsNieuw!
Vlaanderen heeft nu een digitaal muziekarchief, tenminste een databank met info over vinyl en cd-releases. Hoe ge aan de muziek kunt komen, is niet duidelijk ;-). Allee, ge kunt u nu blind gapen op technische fichkes. Maar wat mij toch heeft gecharmeerd, is dat ze hun huiswerk heel degelijk hebben gedaan. Ik heb de test gedaan met de beste nederlandstalige plaat van de laatste 30 jaar, en ze zit er begot in, met foto en al (voor de muziek moet ge bij mij zijn, ik heb ze handmatig zelf gedigitaliseerd). Trouwens, de hoofdtitel is 1000 titels, maar elk exemplaar (oplage van 1000) had nog eens een aparte titel, de mijne heette "Télépop", die van de jeugdklub "De impressario's van de avant-garde". Enig geklik verder komen we zelfs het nevenprojekt van de Kommeniste tegen, The Plant, maar van hun ander projekt, de Priesterarbeiders, geen spoor, maar tja, die had ik van horen zeggen ...
De volgende test heeft me dan helemaal van slag gemaakt, ik dacht dat dit kleinood voor de eeuwigheid vergeten zou zijn, maar niet dus: B9. Probeer zeker "Rel Rex" met "Program" ergens vast te krijgen, vooruit voor z'n tijd, en blijkbaar een van de eerste uitspattingen van Klootperw ...
Deze verzamelaar wordt deze herfst zelfs heruitgebracht. Wat een wondere wereld!
Meer Kommeniste:
van hier komt de inspiratie voor de iPod
225 fr. was toen 200 fr. onder de gemiddelde prijs van een LP.
het zegeltje van Sabam mooi gepenetreerd
new Netwaves are coming
english | netwavesWhile we wait for the new programmation of Radio Scorpio, and the new season of Netwaves, we're warming up our ears with some interim emissions for the rest of september. Expect some "best of" netlabeltunes from the summer of 2007 and/or quotes from last season.
After a wet summer holiday, Netwaves started the first monday of september with the beautiful, dreamy mix by [in]anace "Radio GAGA" [submix024] on the now defunct netlabel Subsource.
For the new season, we also welcome new radiohead Didier aka. Creon.
'open music search' box
english | netlabelismI just added (in the right sidebar, under the top 10 topbits) the very handsome 'open music search' box, made by David Holmes with a little help from Google Co-op.
With this box you can find Copyleft, Creative Commons, Open Source, and Public Domain media, software, news and services. To see if it fits your needs, put as an example 'bswc' in the box, and click 'search'.
You can also put this search box to your website for finding legal, free and podsafe music resources. Grab the code here.
"industry kills music!"
english""industry kills music!" is not only a nifty slogan but a sad fact we all should consider when we talk about how to support our favourite music, scene or band." Read this clear manifesto by CyMonk from Distorted Monkeys Productions. It's about food and music.
C hear s!
remix DJ Vadim!
englishCC says: "BBE Music and Creative Commons have taken the first step in a new relationship: BBE is releasing the studio tracks, including the acappellas from DJ Vadim's "Soundcatcher" album under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 license. Download the samples on this page, create new remixes, create an account at ccMixter (if you don't have one already) and upload your remix here. BBE will be collecting the best remixes and playing them on the BBE radio shows in London and Spain, incorporating them into videos, and releasing compilations of new songs and remixes."
Lee Rosevere - Son Of Tegwar
english | video Video for "Son Of Tegwar".
Music by Lee Rosevere.
Visuals from the film "Attack From Space"
Happy Puppy Records.
Amastic 7
english | musicYour Only Friend & Electrobel present:
The Annual Garden Gathering
Amastic is an independent mini-festival by and with independent artists in any discipline. Expect lots of music and arty stuff, free of ads and music-business sharks. Check the impressive line-up of electrobel artists.
when: 31-08-2007 & 01-09-2007
entry: flyer
C hear s!