Found a nice article about netlabels in MetOnline, a student-produced online newspaper (Denver, US).
embe's blog
DIY or die: netlabels liberate music
english | netlabelsgroetjes uit A'pen
nederlandsDe enthousiaste mensen van het programma Webgang van Radio Centraal - die al voor de 2de maal op bezoek waren in Leuven - bedanken we voor de extra reklame voor onze aktiviteiten.
the new trend ... become a friend!
english | netwavesjoin the Netwaves group @, the new hot spot on the www after an article in the Financial Times. While you're there, you can also subscribe to these other groups dedicated to netlabels.
And don't forget the ugly but inevitable ;-)
C hear s!
sonic candy
english | mp3leaseAn easy and attractive way to start with netlabels is to download mixes. Pluck and play the newest mix by Sonic Walker: Netcandy 2: Let’s Break
new kid on the blog
english | netlabel blogsVia the CC blog - where netlabelism/netwaves was blogged today :-) - i discovered the existence of ccNeLas.
NeLas started to blog with the same reasons as me: "Since I've been listening to excellent songs published under Creative Commons licenses, I decided to create this music blog and promote these artists. So, ccNeLaS is my personal selection of songs, organized by genres!"
Earlier today, I encountered another interesting project: CCHits, a social website with an interactive chart of Creative Commons music. I tried to add a song (Tape Tum), but i found it a kind of taking too much time. Just try it yourself (membership!) and leave a comment.
Igloo Magazine: Net.Labels
english | netlabelismnew link added at the 'links/literature' dpt.: it points to an old article in 'Igloo Magazine' about netlabels and with some recommendations by its author, Michael Upton.
views and reviews > thierry massard
english | netlabel blogsnew entry added at the 'links - blog' part. Apparently Thierry is a busy bee: more than 100 reviews of netlabel releases in 1 year ...
mooi nieuws uit Nederland
creative commons | nederlandsCreative Commons NL publiceert gratis CD en DVD van Nederlands talent.
- persbericht
- de CD/DVD
- de pers (nl)
- de Marco
Proficiat manneuh! Ik ga 'em direkt downloaden ... Moet toch eigenlijk ook kunnen in België!? Ik ga hier direkt beginnen met de bijdrage van den Okee en mij, verenigd onder de naam dampF, en de tune heet "Shake schön" (cc licensie). Andere bijdrages/suggesties hier welkom.
music for submarines
english | mp3leaseIf you're looking for some nice music for your submarine, this might be what you're looking for: Djet with "Submariner Story [ca004]". Unbalanced lounge looked through a periscope perspective. Have a nice sub-weekend.
electrobel @ cc
creative commons | englishWoow, just discovered a blog about the belgian electrobel at Creative Commons, but, euh, it's from 2004 ... still, well done guys!
nederlandsenkele foto's van het Netwaves-team in de 'scapes' sector van het Stuk:
De reacties waren positief, en de 25 CDtjes waren in een mum van tijd 'uitverkocht'.
Voor de freaks is hier de playlist:
- Lack Of Better World - Zen Savauge
- No Comment - Legolas
- B. Sprout's First Fight - KiloWatts
- Peel - Cyte
- Our Lines - Orangebox
- In bed with my Pleyel - Kirioucha
- 6 - Eric Laurence
- Only To Sleep In - Pandatone
- intro - adcBicycle
- Swimming in dirty water - Audio Mjao
- nio - Bad Loop
- Pink and Gold - Krou
- Likgiltligheten (inte likgiltig längre mix by plosive) - Partikel
- TBTD (Zyad's Magic Carp Ride) - Starmode
- Deeprecif - Kali Frogz
- Holiday - Gschmidt
- geosynchronous (i'll give you the moon) - 3x!13
- Transportation is bliss - Bliss
- urban egg - blue environment
- everywhere is shut - Emil Klotzsch
- Mono - 3 Channels
- Train Song - Alphacat remixes Tomas Jirku
- A Gigantic Spacecraft! - The Lounge King meets Monsieur Max
- Palpitaçoes delirios e mau feitio ao acordar - Stealing Orchestra
- Earth Has Changed - Cider Groove
- Duck Dub - Baier/Box
- eDoyen - Brookat
- scenic. - Formatt
- Inaxa - Marko Fuerstenberg
- Shaken Not Stirred - Br. Cleve & His Lush Orchestra
- Bah! - Okapi
- This is no chanson - Twizzle
- Liz night and day - Yvan & Lendl Remix KKFS
- Basic Illitch - Depth Affect
- kashcut - dudley
- i think i saw a dead person walking yesterday - El Senor Ciuf Ciuf
- Kisses Sweeter Than Wine (Stretchy-Cover Mix) - Frivolous vs DJG
- Full Speed Dead - Crashed By Car
- Don't make me cry again - Digitalverein
- Listo para la accion retardada - Dr. Kesler
- Thirsteen - DoF
- Wittle star - Idmonster vs Stina Nordenstam
- Stella, we're sorry (snow peas) - Engine7
- Shopping For Explosives - Coconut Monkeyrocket
- Orgia of dead 2 - Messer Chups
- Graba Cab - Alex James
- Pizzicato Suite (I Like This Pizzicato Suite) - Rasterfahndung
- Noch (remix) - Unit 21 feat, Twin Solo
- Nebulae herb - Aleksi Virta
- Stepping out - Alex Valentin
- Beam of Life - Bangguru
- True Form - Comfort Fit
- Morning Espresso - enLounge
- 12321 - Pork Four
- Walking - izmar
- Boccamara - Le Zéro
- Be Brave - Sinq
- Sofaliebe - London Issue
- lynn brook - vae
- Later - Bobby Baby
- Secret Galaxy (Twins Mix) - Mean Red Spiders
- Salt Water - Chenard Walcker
- No More Like That - Eiafuawn
- Clear - Michael Jackson
- Facet - Morphologue
- Cold Valves (For Kazu and Alain) - The Starry Tides
- The Lucifer Principle - Heath Yonaites
- Lamb - French Teen Idol
- The Virus Left Behind - Giraffe
- horse don't fly - M.A.Z.C.A.
- caffeine low - Pendle
- Breathing (AddSmokeDub) - Confused Man
- Blue Light - Antenne
- failure to thrive - dieselfitter
- Rampant Zoo Sex Orgy - Cube
- Jet Wish - Pelpp
- Sugar - Pappas
- The - Abstract Avenue
- Microstruttura - Daniel Stefanik
- under krauts - puzzling evidence
- Un-Familiar - Philipp Weigl
- bonita mirada - doesnotcompute
- Fooolship - Choenyi
- Time's Up - SCSI-9
- Silver Highways - Mujuice
- altwide - and/or
- Maschin - Diwan Diwan
- Unpurposal - Ernesto Aeroflot
- Bothersome (Mother Mix) - Lackluster
- sabado gris - LOD
- Waltz - K.I.O.L
- Hinter'm Schrank - Pork Four
- The Force May Be With You - Idmonster
- Marie, il Pleut - Steefeen & Vaske
- 2 months on (7.5 months remix) - Nedavine
- Origami - Ponas
Chenard Walcker tribute
english | netlabelsWM Recordings is looking for your contribution to a 'Chenard Walcker tribute' release. Our Netwaves was also planning an interview with this many-sided artist, but this is postponed.
new letter from Lawrence Lessig
creative commons | englishnew letter from the 'inventor' of Creative Commons. Also read his other letters, because he writes very clear and to the point.
Netwaves live @ het Depot: sharing music
nederlands | netwaves liveOnder deze titel gaan er een vijftal concertjes plaatsvinden in de foyer van het Depot in Leuven. Bedoeling is om Creative Commons artiesten te promoten. Verwacht wel veel electronica, wat niet weerhoudt dat er ook al eens een analoge noot zal vallen. Omdat we nog in onze kinderschoenen staan (vrijwilligers altijd welkom), beperken we ons tot Belgische artiesten.
Netwaves live @ het Depot v. 0.1 gaat van start op 26 januari met volgende line-up:
- Green Things (netlabel dj)
- Stakha (live)
- S-Cape (live)
- Harry Poppins (netlabel dj)
deuren 20u
inkom 3,00 €
Indien artiesten willen optreden op een van de volgende concerten, melden ze zich best aan op het forum (zoek 'netwaves') van electrobel.